Wednesday 6 May 2009

Moth Forum Feedback

I have been hacking away at the IMCA site, and integrated JForum into it. The user admin is done with the existing site accounts which has made it a bit complex but will mean that people do not need to register etc... The forum has all the cool forum features like the Australian one.

This forum is not aiming to replace Sailing Anarchy or the Australian/Italian/German forums but of course there will be some overlap.

So I am setting up a forum and I want some feedback.

What Forums?
Events: IMCA Events.
Boats: Boat building, science and theory discussion.
General: Other topics and discussion.
Non English language forums. ???

Anonymous Read only. No anonymous posts?

I hope to get a prototype online soon so we can test it, but until then does anyone have any thoughts, which I will try to consider in the implementation?


Marcel Herrera said...

Maybe have individual forum part for each national association, for events and other stuff.

Unknown said...

I think what you have is spot on - I can't stand forums that are too compartmental and find I don't go through them so much...

Sounds good - looking forward to wasting more time on the internet!



e said...


Great initiative. The class owes a lot to you!!! My .2 cents... It might be a good idea for a section for beginners to ask questions on trim, sailing how-to's etc. This could also be a good spot to have some "sticky" threads with all the known links to various instructional documents & videos etc on the internet.

Thanks once again. Kerem

Assassin said...

individual forum part for each national association, is a geat idea.

Teknologika said...

Hi Doug,

No anonymous posts : definitely or spammers will have a field day.

No doug lord pls.

Moderator ... i'll put my hand up for that.


james r said...

Great job. I have one request. Just try to make bloody sure that DougLord can't get access! No joke, he will ruin any worthwhile chat that may start up.

Tom said...

I agree with Cookie that the fewer sub-forums the better.

Incidentally, not sure what you've done to the IMCA website, but its rendering thousands of times quicker now! Good stuff.

Doug Culnane said...

Thanks for the feedback guys. The forum is online and needs testing before it goes public.... You can access it here: