Thursday 17 May 2012

The Bat Cave

It has taken absolutely ages, but Stage 1 of the Bat Cave is done. It has taken me all winter to renovate this room in the cellar but it is now fully operational and I was repairing Assassin bits for the AUT fleet today. Unfortunately there are still 2 more rooms to do and the wettest wall in the renovated room is already going moldy and falling to bits... So despite the excitement of having a new play room I can not help questioning the sanity of the project.

However the joy of a screw rack and being able to find my tools soon make the hours of re-mortoring seam worth while, or at least that is what I keep telling myself.

So now the focus can go from play room to building toys in it. The Bat Mobile can now start to take shape. I am gluing bits of foam together in the hope that at some point a fair, fast, good looking shape, that me and the trike fit in, will be the result... this is also emerging to be of questionable sanity.

Summer is here and it is time to play outside. A sail last weekend in a gusty strong wind demonstrated that I have to get some practice in the Moth if I am going to be able to get to the start line at the Worlds let alone stay in the thing. However the blind terror of earlier days has now been replaced with a feeling of annoyance as I get ejected and Lord Flasheart heads for the slit, so I think that is progress.