Saturday 13 June 2009

The price of fame and foutune

Luckily the wind eased a bit and so we had perfect conditions to show off in the Moths. Good strong winds but we could remain in control (mostly). So Niki and I did some showing off and blasting around for the camera boat. Not sure if there is any usable video because the rocking boat meant that the camera man was not able to keep the camera still enough.

Anyway it was great fun and my boat is so much better now I can really drive hard downwind and I am no longer scared. I did not nose dive once it was easy. So if your boat does the submarine catapult thing then less lift on the rudder is the answer and you owe me a beer.

The wind then kicked back in and the idea was to do some filming from the jetty. On the bast down wind to the jetty my bottom rudder fitting let go. So I was out there with no rudder... After sail swimming a bit of the way back the Weiden Yacht Club RIB came back (thankfully without the camera crew) and did an awesome driving job recovering my boat.

The damage is not too serious but at 17:00 in the afternoon a 6 hour drive and 11am start with at least 2 stages of laminating to get the boat repaired it was not going to be easy so I had to pull the plug on the Ammersee regatta. This is really a shame as there was a great forecast for today.

I am really pissed off that my 4 days final preparation for the Euro s turned in to 1 hour showing off for the cameras, but Moth sailing is like that sometimes. However I am really happy with the boat but not happy that I have done one days racing since the last worlds.

So check out High Society on Monday at about 19:50 (I think) as that is when we should get scheduled.


Anonymous said...

19.45 High Society ATV

Fred said...

Uhh, ohh, had some misfortune myself. Thought the boat would be well prepped for the Euro but last Wednesday I must have hit something. Rudder foil broken. Centerboard foot with broken carbon. Tiller broken. Have got a set of spare set of foils but this just doesn´t give a comfortable, fast ride. Boom vang shackle broke off yesterday at a trial run. EURO is coming up too soon.