However the end of the tunnel keeps moving. The tramps look good and should let air through nicely, and most of the fittings are sorted. However the rudder stock is still not laminated and the wand control rods are not working well enough and so I will try to scrap them and use a cable instead.
So again I have at least one day of boat work before she can launch...
The sail should arrive this week and I have a 3 day weekend next weekend. So it should be realistic to launch the Flashheart next weekend.
Luckily my stays from the old boat are the right length to use, however the prodder invokes inverse bend in the mast. This should be OK to launch the boat but I will have to make a new prodder before the worlds.
The job list is:
Laminate bottom gantry strut to gantry.
Spray gantry
Laminate tiller to ruder stock.
Fit rudder raking mechanism in tiller
Fit tiller extension.
Get Cable for control linkage.
Cut out old control rods and fill holes.
Fit anchor points for control cable.
Swap tramp lashing rods for smaller ones.
Check new sail fits.
Set kicker length.
Fit protectors on mast.
Rope out.
Check everything works on and add problems to new job list.
Make new prodder.
Help sort new (second hand) trailer for worlds trip.
It is frustrating that the launch date keeps slipping but it is a lot of fun doing the last bits. These bits are worth getting right because they make a big difference to the boat on the water. So long as she works well an holds together I will be happy, the build finish is not so important. That is why I will rethink the control rods rather than lash together the half working system I have now I will fit a more solid cable.
The build quality is not great as I should have used more than 40 grid to sand her before spaying... However I need her in the water now and she look good from a distance. I can always spend a few weekends sanding down next winter to get a good finish but right now it is time to sail.
Great photos, great looking boat! Hope you get her going within the next days. As a Moth newbie I find some good ideas in your boat (eg. tramp, letting air/water through) I do not fancy the cable idea instead you should look for a GRP rod or pieces from rod rigging. The cable thing/idea which was tried on Felix boat had to be scrapped.
Keep up the good work!
_/) _/)
Wooof! Seeing you made it! Congrats! The finish looks a bit rough though ;)
wow Doug what a journey. Takes me back to when I was about 22 when I cold moulded Unnicorn A class cats. Jobs neverending... not enough time on the water..
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